Palm320 Control Program by Greg Majewski

 Reviewed by John Catalano in July 2003 edition of Computers & Radio.

 Right click here to download the 73 kb Zip file.

The Palm320 is an easy-to-use program that does a nice job of controlling the TenTec 320 from a Palm Pilot. It requires three small applications to be downloaded and installed on your Palm.

From the author:
Palm320 is a program to allow a Palm PDA to control and operate a TENTEC RX-320 receiver. It displays the commanded Receiver State. The RX-320 does not report its current condition. There is no way to determine if the RX-320 has responded to a command. The program uses the Feras Information Technology product Compact Application Solution Language (CASL). The program is distributed as freeware under a GNU license (see gpl.txt file). The source code is provided for the end user's information and use per the license.